Thursday, December 17, 2009


Utterly amazing visually and spiritually.
I thought i had favorite movies that would never be topped but this movie absolutely blew my mind. The story totally encaptures you.
Pandora is a planet unlike our own in that everything is physically, mentally and spiritually connected. The plantlife and the animals are so incredibly beautiful.
Seeing this movie in 3D is an absolute must, ,how often you want to just reach out and touch the exotic, illuminescent plantlife.
This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat for the whole 3 hours, i dont think i even blinked...
It has everything a fulfilling movie has to offer. Action, love, comedy, drama.
I highly recommend this visual extravaganza to each and everyone of you. You will fall in love with the creatures and way of life in Pandora.
There is a very strong message to us humans...
We need to save our planet, our mother earth, our home land....

You will be smiling for days after seeig this film.
 xxx enjoy
miss madeline

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miss Madeline
    Thanks for following my blog.
    I loved Avatar too, I wish i could visit Pandora, it looks like such a beautiful place, the colours alone are amazing.
